Cap City Outfitters

614.319.3446 |
4465 Cemetery Road, Hilliard, OH 43026
M Closed | Tues-Fri 10a-5p | Sat 10a-3p

FFL Transfer services are suspended effective immediately

Please do not send us any new FFL transfers. We will start refusing inbound shipments starting on Thursday, 13MAR25.

Transfer Policy Effective 1JUNE2024

Please Read New Transfer Policies in their entirety before sending us a Firearm or NFA item.

Firearm Transfer (Non-NFA items)

$75 Per Firearm Transfer

$50 Per Firearm Transfer for Public Safety Employees, to include but not limited to, LEO, Fire, EMS, OPOTA Security (Current and Retired), Military (Active Duty, Current Nat'l Guard/Reserve, Veterans with Credentials & Retirees).

  • Any firearm transferred and then left at Cap City Outfitters without explicit permission for storage will become the property of Cap City Outfitters after 60 days.
  • Any return of a firearm to sender or other FFL will incur a transfer and shipping fee if not pre-arranged.

NFA Transfer (Form 4’s: Silencers, SBR, SBS, Machinegun, & Other NFA Items)

$150 Transfer Fee Per Item: No transfer fees for items purchased in person at Cap City Outfitters or via our storefront at

$50 Storage Fee for Non-Silencers: No storage fees for items purchased in person at Cap City Outfitters or via our storefront at

  • Cap City Outfitters reserves the right to charge additional shop hours, at a rate of $100.00 per hour (30 Minute Minimum) if the seller/shipper of the NFA item does not include proper transfer paperwork, improperly fills out NFA transfer paperwork or significantly disrupts Cap City Outfitters standard transfer procedures. You will be notified of issues with FFL/SOT, Form 3, or applicable issue in transfer.
  • NFA items must have transfer paperwork completed within 30 days of arrival at Cap City Outfitters and must be picked up from Cap City Outfitters within 30 days of approval unless explicit permission for storage is granted.
  • Any return of a NFA Item before transfer is initiated will incur a transfer fee, shipping fee ,restocking fee and/or any fees from the original vendor.

Managing Expectations (Non-NFA)

An FFL Transfer is easy and simple, requiring your sending/shipping FFL and Cap City Outfitters to exchange our dealer paperwork and get the shipment underway. Most popular websites have our information on file for ease of selection. If this is not the case, you can simply email us at and include the sending party/companies email you'd like our FFL/SOT sent to.

  • Once your firearm is received, please allow 1-2 business days from time of delivery for us to get your new firearm checked into our FFL Bound Book. If any paperwork is missing or incorrect, this can delay the check in process. Once check in is completed, we will give you a call and let you know it is ready for pickup. Please add 614-319-3446 to your contacts and/or make your voicemail available for us to leave a message.
  • Please request UPS or FedEx for shipping, if possible, from your dealer. We have had much better luck with these carriers than USPS. Using USPS can lead to extended delays from our past experiences of up to 3-5 days.

Managing Expectations (NFA)

A key benefit to transferring NFA items through Cap City Outfitters is our partnership with Silencer Shop. Silencer Shop is one of the easiest ways for you to purchase NFA items by simply filling out information on your PC, sitting back, relaxing, and be guided through the NFA process.

You can easily complete your prints and photos with us, using our dedicated Silencer Shop Kiosk. This generally takes about 20 or so minutes to complete in the shop, after this is done buying NFA items becomes a few clicks on the computer and a phone call to us.

All our NFA Transfers are done through Silencer Shop. Even if you decide to transfer your own NFA item to us that Silencer Shop does not offer, we will work with Silencer Shop to add any variation of the item you send us and assign it to you. By doing this, we provide you with the peace of mind, multiple registration options and effortlessness of Silencer Shop while enabling you to get exactly what you need.

You will need to register at Silencer and follow their procedures for personal information, fingerprints, and proper photos. We can assist along this process and facilitate fingerprints via our Silencer Shop Kiosk. Click here to go to Silencer Shop where you can sign up and be guided through the initial process.

During this process, you will be asked to create a ATF eForms account. This is required for any Form 4 submission through Silencer Shop. The ATF eForms website is politely a relic of the bygone era of the late 1990’s. Please note, it is incredibly important that all personal details, names, email address and other information must precisely match at Silencer Shop and ATF eForms.

Once you are setup with your Silencer Shop account and ATF eForms account, and Silencer Shop and Cap City Outfitters have staged your forms, you will get an email from Silencer Shop to Certify.

Certification must be on a PC or Laptop; mobile devices will NOT work and will NOT be attempted. You will need your ATF eForms username and pin number. You will create these when you sign up for eForms, record them in an accessible place.

Certification takes about 20 minutes or so, depending on the Silencer Shop software and ATF eForm websites temperament. You can call us at 614-319-3446 or stop by the shop to certify. Please request Chris or Ian for certification, they are Cap City Outfitters current NFA managers.

  • Please request UPS or FedEx for shipping, if possible, from your dealer. We have had much better luck with these carriers than USPS. Using USPS can lead to extended delays from our past experiences of up to 2-4 days.
  • Once your NFA item is received, please allow 3-5 business days from time of delivery for us to get your new NFA item checked into our FFL NFA Bound Book. Generally, we will try to have it entered our bound book as soon as we can. Sometimes paperwork can be missing, the attached paperwork is incorrect or is non-verifiable. All NFA paperwork must be present, correct, and verified before we can enter the NFA item into our bound book.

As a final comment, the NFA game is not Amazon Prime. Wait times are coming down, we are excited about this and the demand and interest in the NFA world. However, wait times could be a day, they could be a year. Cap City Outfitters does not control the wait time nor missteps that occur in the process due to other parties. We will do our very best to make it as easy as possible on you, help guide and answer questions along the way while ensuring your NFA needs are met.

NFA Vendor Checklist

  • -FFL
  • -SOT
  • -Form 3
  • -Seller phone and email
  • -Purchasing customer phone and email